Fachgruppe Englisch
Project Title (LehrerbildungPlus)
Heterogeneity & Digitalisation
Project Managers
Richard Powers (US)
Nils Drixler (PL)
Project Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Jörg- U. Keßler (PL)
Prof. Dr. Marc Priewe (US)
Prof. Dr. Götz Schwab (PL)
Dr. Astrid Diener (US)
Research Design & Coordination, Conference Coordination
Dr. Saskia Schabio (US)
Project & eTwinning Coordinator
Moritz Hüttmann (US)
Project and Event Coordinator
Project Description:
Our projects for LehrerbildungPLUS focus on two areas:
1. Between 2020-2023, we will design at least four blended learning courses to develop intercultural competence (knowledge, skills, attitudes) for Lehramt students of English at the five Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg.
2. In October 2022, we’ll host an international conference bringing scholars and students together to discuss how English Language Learning (ELL) improves intercultural competence through online learning (blended courses, flipped courses and fully online). Call for Papers will appear in June 2020.
Our mission is to improve digitalization skills and diversity awareness for Lehramt students during their BA and Masters studies, so when they move to higher phases of training and then to their new schools, they are prepared and ready.
Our research focuses on:
- Best Practices for eTwinning and blended (hybrid) learning ELL courses
- Developing surveys to measure intercultural competencies
- Ways to overcome teacher reluctance to try blended learning approaches
- Ways American Cultural Studies approaches improve intercultural competencies
- Inclusive practices
- Instructional design for Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
The Fachgruppe English is part of the following workstreams: digitalization and diversity/inclusion
Recent Projects:
Virtual Symposia Series: “Designing Global Citizenship Courses for the 21st century”
Organization & Moderation:
Moritz Jahraus (M.A.), Richard Powers (Prof. Em.), Dr. Saskia Schabio
Chat Moderators: Dr. Astrid Diener & Lucas Burkhardt
Web-Design: Moritz Hüttmann
- Schabio, Saskia. „Diversity in the Digital Foreign Language Classroom (DDFLC)“ March 30-31, 2023. University of Education Ludwigsburg.
Dark, Kimberly. „Aloha Sunrise: End of Semester Storytelling and Meditation.“ December 23, 2020. Stuttgart University (virtual).
Taylor, Kimberly, „Teaching Black Lives Matter with Social Justice Collection to Fight Racism.“ December 21, 2020. Stuttgart University (virtual).
- Dark, Kimberly. Reading from Fat, Pretty and Soon to be Old. October 17, 2019, Stuttgart University.
Blended Learning Courses:
- Powers, Richard and Nils Drixler (PL). (Summer Semester 2021). Project-Based Learning with eTwinning for Interculturality. M.Ed. Joint US-PL Blended Learning Course (Moodle)
- Powers, Richard. (Winter Semester 2020/21). Diverse Literatures of the Americas. M.Ed. BWB Seminar Blended Learning
- Powers, Richard. (Every Semester since Summer 2020). Instructional Design & Teaching Online. M.Ed. BWB Seminar Blended Learning
- Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2020). Advanced Verbal Communication in Online Instruction. M.Ed. Seminar Blended Learning
- Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2020). Business English. Blended Learning course with students from Stuttgart University, PH-Ludwigsburg and Universität Hohenheim
- Powers, Richard. (Winter Semester 2019/2020). Essay Writing & Research: Diversity Topics. Blended Learning Course taught with students from Stuttgart University, Ped Hochshule Ludwigsburg and Universitate Hohenheim with ILIAS.
- Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2018). Hip-Hop & American Culture. Blended Learning Course. Stuttgart University, ILIAS.
- Powers, Richard (Summer Semester 2018). Intertextuality: 20th Century African American Music & Literature. Blended learning course taught with students from Stuttgart University and the MusikHochschule, ILIAS.
- Powers, Richard, and Bundschuh, Jessica. (Winter Semester 2019/2020). Advanced Verbal Communication. Blended Learning course with Lehramt students delivering lessons across three modalities: onsite at Dillmann Gymnasium, online via ILIAS and live webinars via Zoom teleconferencing.
- Diener, Astrid (Summer Semester 2020). Fachdidaktik Englisch II. Course on teaching literature, with a focus on intercultural and transcultural learning.
- Diener, Astrid (Summer Semester 2020). Schools Debating. Course in British parliamentary style debating, with topics mainly centering on social diversity and inclusion.
- Diener, Astrid (Summer Semester 2020). M.Ed.-Vorlesung. Diversität, Inklusion und Individualisierung. Lecture course open to all Lehramt students of all stubjects and to external guests.
- Keßler, Jörg-U. (Winter Semester 2018/2019). Multilingualism in Germany and India – Chances & Challenges. Lecture course including blended learning scenarios; open to all English Lehramt students and to external guests, including guest lecturers from Delhi (online and blended) and Germany.
- Schabio, Saskia. (Summer Semester 2019). Scandal and Civility – From the Early American Republic to the Digital Age. (Addressing political emotions, social media, concepts of the public sphere and citizenship).
- Schabio, Saskia. (Summer Semester 2020). Deep and Slow – Reading in the Digital Classroom. In collaboration with Chat der Welten, BW. (Research seminar on creating cultural sensitivity through literature, in cooperation with the initative Chat der Welten, BW, https://www.engagement-global.de/chat-der-welten.html), revolving around the theme of empathy, and the challenges of affording ‘deep reading’ in digital environments).
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “Pivoting to an Institutional Adult Education Blended Learning Program in Three Months.” Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) Forum of Excellence Conference. Springfield, IL.
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “Designing a Global Citizenship Course at the Professional School of Education (PSE) Stuttgart Ludwigsburg.” Global Citizenship Courses for the 21st Century Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “The Amazing Kaleidoscope: Lessons Learned Starting an eTwinning Teacher Training Institute Program.” Erasmus+ eTwinning Conference. Brussels, Belgium
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “The Value of Storytelling and Meditation for University Students at the End of Semesters During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Mental Health & Wellness Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “Contextualizing Black Lives Matters and Racial Trauma in the Digital, Diverse School Curriculum.” Mental Health & Wellness Symposium. Stuttgart, DE.
- Powers, Richard. (2019). „E-Racing Horders: Glocalizing Transdisciplinary Studies with Online Blueprints for Future Academics and Managers in Germany, the U.S. and Africa.” University of Amsterdam. Association of Interdisciplinary Studies 31st Annual Conference, Amsterdam.
- Schabio, Saskia. (2017).“Emotionen digital lesen lernen?” Digitalisierung und Englischunterricht, PSE Stuttgart-Ludwigsburg.
- Schabio, Saskia. (2017). “Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation?” – Emotion, Cognition, Cosmopolitanism. Université de Limoges.
- Schabio, Saskia. (2018). “Transnational Minds”. University of Kent, Canterbury (UK)
- Schabio, Saskia. (2019). “’To Set a Quiet Drama Going’ – Embodied Reading as Performance’”, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
Online Webinars:
- Powers, Richard. (April 2020). “Virtual Technology Orientations to Onboard Students During COVID.” Illinois Northern Region Adult Education Conference. Arlington Heights, IL.
- Powers, Richard. (Sept 2020). “Education in Times of a New Normal.” PSE Retreat, Stuttgart.
- Powers, Richard. (Sept 2020). “The Current State of Online Teaching: What Institutions Should Be Doing to Improve Their Remote Learning Programs. Series 3: Moving to the Next Phase of Online: How Can We Improve on What We’ve Done So Far? European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN). Budapest, Hungary.
- Powers, Richard. (Nov 2020). “Exploring New Avenues for Online Assessment.” European Online and Distance Learning Week (EODLW) 2020. European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN). Budapest, Hungary.
- Powers, Richard (2020, Jan 9). “Introduction to Teaching Online.” City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Training, Chicago IL.
- Powers, Richard (2019, Dec 3). “Preparing for Excellence: Ten Benefits of International Collaboration for Teachers in Training.” Teacher Training Initiative, European Schoolnet Academy, Brussels.
Online Seminar Series:
- Powers, Richard. (2020). “Blended Learning & Course Quality Assurance.” City Colleges of Chicago Blended Learning Symposium. Chicago, U.S.
- Powers, Richard. (2020) “How to Review for Accessibility in Online Courses.” City Colleges of Chicago Faculty Professional Development. Chicago, U.S.
- Powers, Richard (2020, Mar 27-Apr 2). COVID-19 Keep Teaching! Planning & Delivering Remote Instruction During This Hard Time. European Schoolnet Academy, Brussels.
- Part 1: “COVID-19 Context & Moving Online” (Mar 27).
- Part 2: “Designing Lessons for Remote Instruction” (Mar 30).
- Part 3: “Open Resource Tools: What You Can Do Now” (Apr 1).
- Part 4: “Global Support, Engagement, Motivation & Presence for Remote Instruction” (Apr 2).
Diener, Astrid (2016): „Förderung des Transfers von der Theorie in die Praxis. Effekte der Verzahnung von wissenschaftlichen und anwendungsbezogenen Ausbildungsinhalten auf die Kompetenzentwicklung von Lehramtsstudierenden der Fachdidaktik Englisch.“ In: Legutke. Michael K. / Schart, Michael (Hrsg.). Fremdsprachendidaktische Professionsforschung: Brennpunkt Lehrerbildung. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 127-144.
Diener, Astrid (2016): „Erfolgreiche Unterrichtsführung in der Fachdidaktikausbildung des Fachs Englisch: Konzeption einer Lehreinheit über die professionelle Unterrichtswahrnehmung und erste Ergebnisse ihrer Evaluation“. In: Heibler, Markus / Bartel, Katrin / Hackmann, Kristina / Weyand, Birgit (Hrsg.)(2016): Leadership in der Lehrerbildung. University of Bamberg Press: Bamberg, 165-176.
Keßler, J.-U. (mit. R. Arntzen, G. Hakansson & A. Hjelde. (eds.) (2019): Teachability and learnability across languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Keßler, J.-U. (2018): „English Language Learning – An SLA-based Approach“. In: Surkamp, C. & B. Viebrock (eds.): Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler; pp. 73-88.
Keßler, J.-U. (mit Viktoria Ilse) (2017): „Living Interculturalism instead of Teaching Interculturalism.“ In: Aicher-Jakob, M. & L. Marti (eds.): Education – Dialogue – Culture. Migration and Interculturalism as Educational Responsibilities. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren; S. 139 – 152.
Schabio, Saskia (2018). “No Game of Chess: Dominoes and the Modelling of Alternative Public Spheres in Menéndez and Glissant”. Games of Empires: Kulturhistorische Konnotationen von Brettspielen in transnationalen und imperialen Kontexten. Hg. Karen Aydin, Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn et. al. Berlin: LITVerlag, 39-58.
Powers, Richard. (2020). „Auf Online-Unterricht umsteigen – so meistern Sie diese Herausforderung!“ School Education Gateway. Erasmus+
Useful Weblinks and Resources:
Global, International & National Resources
Global Education Coalition COVID-19 Education Response (UNESCO)
International Council for Distance Education (ICDE) COVID19 Resources
European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN) Membership free for students!
European Schoolnet COVID-19 Resources
Kultuminister Konferenz (KMK) Updates
Online Educa Berlin (December 2-4, 2020)
Online Learning Consortium (OLC) COVID-19 Resources
Online Learning Consortuim (OLC) Webinars
Quality Matters Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist (Higher Education)
Quality Matters Emergency Remote Instruction Checklist (K-12)
Open Educational Resources Support Group for Resources
eTwinning KMK Pädagogische Austauschdienst (PAD)